We bring stories to life… Do you want to join us and tell your story?All current vacancies at Egmont are listed below.
At Egmont, we only accept applications sent through our online recruitment system. This system will help ensure that your application is processed quickly and securely. To get access to our recruitment system please use the link displayed in each job posting.
At Egmont, we do not receive unsolicited applications, but you can set up a Jobagent, which will notify you when a new job post matches your criteria.
ContactIf you have questions, you are welcome to contact us by e-mail at hr@egmont.com.
We have a new recruitment system, and we hope you will have a good experience applying for a job with us. If you should run into any technical problems while applying, please let us know by e-mail at hr@egmont.com.
Egmont is a leading media group in the Nordic region with activities in 30 countries and 6,600 employees, producing high-quality content and digital innovation.
We are responsible for Nordisk Film and TV 2 in Norway, book publishing and Egmont Publishing which publishes more than 700 magazines. Egmont is a commercial foundation which generated revenue amounting to EUR 1,5 billion in 2017.
We donate EUR 13 million a year to help improve the lives of children and young people and support film talents.
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